Investigação e Desenvolvimento
A GreatWater E&S investe uma grande parte dos seus rendimentos no desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras para tratamento de águas, incluindo fluidos de processos industriais.
Nesse âmbito, construímos ao longo dos anos equipamentos de teste para várias situações que se nos apresentaram, a pedido dos nossos clientes.
Nesse âmbito, construímos ao longo dos anos equipamentos de teste para várias situações que se nos apresentaram, a pedido dos nossos clientes.
Estas unidades visaram numa primeira fase, servir de conforto aos nossos clientes de que pudessem comprovar a validade da solução que a nossa empresa lhes estava a apresentar, para solucionar o problema que tinham identificado.
Numa fase seguinte, a GreatWater E&S começou a desenvolver unidades de testes para várias situações, desde a potabilização de águas, ao tratamento de águas residuais ou a fluidos de processo.
Todas estas unidades foram testadas e validadas em ambiente industrial de clientes de vários setores de atividade, por forma a determinar as limitações e os beneficios associados.
Dispomos de unidades piloto de:
1. Filtração por areias
2. Filtração por carvão ativado
3. Desferrização por BIRM
4. Nanofiltração
5. Ultrafiltração de águas potáveis
6. Desmineralização por resinas aniónicas e catiónicas
7. Osmose inversa
8. Ultra-filtração para reutilização de efluentes industriais
9. Concentração de fluidos de processo industrial
Ambicionando sempre mais, a GreatWater E&S tem ainda projetos em desenvolvimento ligados com:
a. Eletro-coagulação
b. Eletro-oxidação
c. Projeto de Telemetria e controlo remoto de instalações (PETRI)
Como empresa de engenharia que somos, queremos manter a vanguarda do desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras nacionais, que nos alavanquem o crescimento em Portugal e no Mundo.

Research & Development
GreatWater E&S invests a large portion of its income in developing innovative water treatment solutions, including industrial process fluids.
In this context, over the years we have built several test equipment for various situations that have come to us at the request of our customers.
These units were initially intended as a comfort to our customers so that they could validate the solution that our company was presenting to them, to solve the problem they had identified.
In a subsequent phase, GreatWater E&S began to develop test facilities for a variety of situations, from water purification, wastewater treatment or process fluids.
All of these units have been tested and validated in the industrial environment of customers from various industries to determine limitations and associated benefits.
We have pilot units of:
1. Sand filtration
2. Activated Carbon Filtration
3. BIRM deferration
4. Nanofiltration
5. Ultrafiltration of drinking water
6. Demineralization by anionic and cationic resins
7. Reverse Osmosis
8. Ultrafiltration for industrial wastewater reuse
9. Concentration of industrial process fluids
Always aiming for more, GreatWater E&S also has projects under development linked to:
a. Electro-coagulation
b. Electro-oxidation
c. Telemetry and Remote Control of Water Facilities Project (PETRI)
As an engineering company we are, we want to maintain the forefront of developing innovative national solutions that leverage our growth in Portugal and around the world.
In this context, over the years we have built several test equipment for various situations that have come to us at the request of our customers.
These units were initially intended as a comfort to our customers so that they could validate the solution that our company was presenting to them, to solve the problem they had identified.
In a subsequent phase, GreatWater E&S began to develop test facilities for a variety of situations, from water purification, wastewater treatment or process fluids.
All of these units have been tested and validated in the industrial environment of customers from various industries to determine limitations and associated benefits.
We have pilot units of:
1. Sand filtration
2. Activated Carbon Filtration
3. BIRM deferration
4. Nanofiltration
5. Ultrafiltration of drinking water
6. Demineralization by anionic and cationic resins
7. Reverse Osmosis
8. Ultrafiltration for industrial wastewater reuse
9. Concentration of industrial process fluids
Always aiming for more, GreatWater E&S also has projects under development linked to:
a. Electro-coagulation
b. Electro-oxidation
c. Telemetry and Remote Control of Water Facilities Project (PETRI)
As an engineering company we are, we want to maintain the forefront of developing innovative national solutions that leverage our growth in Portugal and around the world.